Paper360 Better Together Podcast Series

Paper360 Better Together – Dana Mosora & Flexible Packaging

Jan Bottiglieri Season 1 Episode 5

In this episode we talk to Dana Mosora, founder of Dana Mosora Consulting and a consultant for the European CEFLEX (Circular Economy for Flexible Packaging) Consortium. She will also be keynote speaker at the 2021 International Flexible Packaging and Extrusion Division (IFPED) Virtual Conference on March 17th.

 Mosora and host Jan Bottiglieri, Paper360°, will discuss an ambitious goal: the CEFLEX “Mission Circular” target to make all flexible packaging in Europe circular by 2025. “It’s an exciting journey… If you’d ask me a year and a half ago, I’d have been skeptical that we would get there,” says Mosora. “Today, I’m optimistic that we’ll get reasonably close.” 

 Mosora says it’s all about engagement – and we’ll find out how the circular economy presents not only an answer to the environmental challenges posed by plastic packaging, but a true business opportunity. We’ll also learn how the flexible packaging industry is engaging with young professionals eager to make a difference.

 “What’s important is to show how we can address big problems—and show it with concrete solutions,” Mosora says.

 Register for the IFPED Virtual Conference:

 Learn more about CEFLEX:

 Visit Dana Mosora Consulting, dedicated to driving the Circular Economy for Plastic Packaging:

 Read about Mosora’s legacy project, the ASASE Foundation in Accra, Ghana. The foundation is helping entrepreneur women from under-privileged communities start social enterprises in recycling plastic packaging, to deviate it from urban and marine littering: